Green Steps
Short summary:
In this article, we will briefly describe new best practices and we encourage you to look for more details on our ARK library!
In August, we held two weeks of summer camps and our ARK library was refilled with many new best practices! In this article, we will briefly describe each of these new best practices and we encourage you to look for more details on our ARK library!
This was one of the kids' favorite games!
It teaches children to navigate through the sense of hearing… just like blind animals would do in the wild.
There are two characters in this game: a rattlesnake and a prey. They are both blindfolded… but they have little bottles with stones and water so that, when they move and shake them, they produce a rattle to locate each other!
Sound a bit scary? Just try! It’s a fun game and the kids would not be scared at all!

Water trail is a fun and refreshing activity for a really hot day! This is another blindfolded activity but this time it is designed to develop coordination and balance skills.
The facilitator must give to blindfolded children a glass of water. Afterwards, the children have to find their way to the final bucket and trust their team members!

Did you know that you can plant a seed in a toilet paper roll? It requires a bit of patience from the kids' side… but it is a very nice activity to help children understand the plant life cycle.

Have you ever thought of wearing a necklace made of dinosaur bones? Of course, nowadays it is not so easy to find those bones… but we have a solution! You only need salt, water, and flour to create a salt dough dinosaur bone that would look like a real one!

Many children dream of becoming an archaeologist/paleontologist. This activity introduces them to these professions in a playful way. Like real archeologists/paleontologists, children are looking for artifacts and fossils in the sand. By the way, these objects can be made from salt dough, just like the bone necklace!

Have you ever tried to make a hedgehog from a piece of wood and screws? They turn out very cute!
This activity not only gives children a chance to make a nice hedgehog but also explains to them how to screw in screws with a screwdriver!

Another interesting activity is to create colours out of natural elements. The preparation includes searching for natural objects that can create a dye. Of course, the easiest colour that you can find outside is green but also it is interesting to look for yellow, red, brown, and even blue objects!

Do you want to make a beautiful bookmark from your favorite flowers? It is very easy to do!... even without a laminator. All you need is a lamination card, an iron, and of course, a sample of your favorite flower!

Do you want to create a stone bug? This activity combines collecting stones from nature with the artistic process of transforming them into stone bugs using acrylic colors. One thing that you can create is a bug but you're free to let your imagination run wild and turn your stones into anything you can dream of.