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Nature Guide Training Level 1 starting on June 10th



Gloria Corradini

Short summary:

Interested in bringing a positive contribution to our planet by becoming a Nature Guide, but don’t know where to start from? Read the following article and join on 10th of June our 3 weeks online Nature Guide Training Level 1! There are already 9 enrolled participants coming from different parts of the world, from Taiwan, Georgia, Spain, the Netherlands, Ireland, Italy and of course Austria.

Would you like to bring a positive contribution in the psychological and physical development of our children and become a nature guide? There are many studies that provide proof of the importance to include programs of regular nature-based activities in the education of the youth, especially during early childhood. Those benefits are not only visible during the outdoor sessions, but they also create positive lasting changes in the behaviour of the child with their family and at school.

Now that summer is out, the vegetation is green, animals are active and children enjoy playing outdoors, it is the best time to take part in a Nature Guide Training! We offer an online Nature Guide Training Level 1 (NGT1) starting from 10th of June and we have already 9 participants coming from different parts of the world: Taiwan, Georgia, Spain, the Netherlands, Ireland, Italy and of course Austria!

The Nature Guide Training Level 1 is specifically designed for parents and adults involved with childcare interested in understanding and experimenting with the benefits of nature education for personal or family purposes. This course takes about 30 hours, and participants gain the foundations to support children on their journey of personal development. You will acquire a holistic perspective of education and find inspiration and resources to teach children in nature. The course also contributes to restoring our own relationship with nature, creating a grounding awareness of our position in the ecosystem and its role to support life, heal, and teach.

Even if the training is defined as online, only about a third of it actually takes place behind a screen! In fact, most of the theoretical assignments require to spend fun time in nature participating in outdoor activities and observing both, experienced facilitators, and participants. Another outdoor task is to collect natural elements that you can find in your area, start your first Nature Journal and get to know the variety of trees and animals that surround you. In other words, you develop your Bioregional Identity! During the training, there is the option to participate once a week to an online group discussion with the mentors and the other participants to ask questions and share your learning progress.

After completing the NGT 1 you will be able to:
• Understand what Nature Education is and its benefits.
• Build up your confidence to deliver Nature Education experiences.
• Acquire basic knowledge related to educational principles and methods used by outdoor educators.
• Equip yourself with required resources to practice Nature Education.

The NGT1 is just the first step to onboard you on a journey to become a professional Nature Guide. For educators interested in developing their skills range, and accessing resources to implement the Green Steps method, and curriculum at their workplace, there is the possibility to register at the online Nature Guide Training Level 2. The adults interested in place-based education as a career and want to join an international network of like-minded professionals and learning communities can then continue their path by completing the online Nature Guide Training Level 3. Further development is possible for those who want to become Nature Guide Trainers (Level 4) and Regional Mentors (Level 5).

If you are interested in starting a journey as Nature Guide, do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or book a last minute ticket for the upcoming training.

Further reading:

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